Welcome to Disk Accessory Plus, an indispensable utility for labeling and organizing your disks.
Disk Accessory Plus is a DA you install with the Font/DA Mover that came with your Macintosh system software. To run Disk Accessory Plus you need system 6.0 or newer and a Macintosh 512K or newer.
Each time you open Disk Accessory Plus, a label window will appear. Disk Accessory Plus creates a label for each disk that is inserted while Disk Accessory Plus is active. Each label entry appears in a list on the right-hand side of the label screen. You use the label template on the left side of the screen to design your labels.
Each template consists of 6 objects: Spine, Title, Note, Catalog, Icon and Picture. Spine, Title, and Catalog are automatically filled in with information from each disk that is inserted. You add icons and pictures to suit your taste.
Objects may be turned on and off. Only objects that appear on the label template will be printed.
To change the appearance of the text in the Spine, Title, Catalog, and Note fields, use the text menu. You may only have one font, style, and size in each of the following: Spine, Title and Catalog. However, in the note field you may have unlimited fonts, styles, and sizes. Each character can be different if you wish!
Disk Accessory Plus has five built-in label templates, two for the Imagewriter and three for the Laserwriter. The Imagewriter labels are Avery Label #4241 and IDI Label PL. Laserwriter label #5196 is also made by Avery. Avery labels are available from your local stationer, NEBS 1-800-388-3810 (REF. 95356), or your Users Group.
Another Laserwriter label is #1040 and is available through Vertical Solutions. The #1040 labels-come 12 to a sheet and cost $24.95 for a package of 240 labels. To order call 503.671.0511 or write Vertical Solutions, P.O. Box 1150, Beaverton, Oregon 97075.
The final LaserWriter label is IDI #LWL-50. IDI is located at 2278 Trade Zone Blvd. in San Jose, CA 95131. Their number is 1.800.222.6032.
1. Choose a label template from the labels menu,
2. Insert the disks you want to label,
3. Press the "Print" button.
For more details on disk labeling see Section III, Labeling Disks.
1. Insert the Disk Accessory Plus disk and double click on the program called "Font/DA mover."
2. From the "Font/DA Mover" screen select the "Desk Accessory" option.
3. Use the left-hand "Open" button to open the system on your hard drive. Use the right -hand "Open" button to open the Disk Accessory suitcase.
4. Select Disk Accessory Plus by clicking on it. Use the "Copy" button to copy Disk Accessory Plus to your system.
5. After you have moved Disk Accessory Plus into your system, choose "Quit" to exit the Font/DA Mover.
6. Drag the Disk Accessory Labels and Disk Accessory Help files to your systems folder. You may put these files anywhere on your hard disk, but the program will automatically find them if they are in the system folder.
7. Remove your original Disk Accessory Plus disk from the disk drive and be sure to store it in a safe place.
8. Once you have done this, you may choose DA Plus from the Apple menu.
Open Disk Accessory Plus from the Apple menu. If you pull down the Disk Accessory menu, you will find the items About Disk Accessory, Disks, Files, Folders, Text, Label Utilities, and Labels.
A label template window appears when Disk Accessory is opened. On the screen are a list and a label.. This screen allows you to design your labels. Use the menu items Text, Label Utilities, and Labels to help you .
1. To Select a new template, choose "Labels" from the Desk Accessory menu.
2. Select the label template you wish to use by clicking on it. A checkmark will appear in front of the one that is currently being used.
NOTE: Imagewriter users should select templates from the IW label set, and Laserwriter users should select templates from the LW label set.
THE LABEL TEMPLATE SCREEN - This screen has icons down the left-hand side of the screen. These are Option icons. Turn these off and on by clicking on them (except the first one). These icons are white when turned off and black when turned on. When an object is turned on, you may adjust the size of the field by clicking in the field and using the grow boxes in the corners. Dragging the grow box with the mouse changes the size of an object.
ICON #1 - TEXT & MOVE - This icon allows you to manipulate the text and to move text and object fields on your label. To manipulate text, make sure the letter "A" is the top item showing. The cursor will show as an arrow. To drag objects around, click the icon to bring the hand to the front of the icon. The cursor will show as a hand. Now click on the object you want to move and drag it into place.
ICON #2 - SPINE - When this icon is turned on, the name of the disk will appear in this field upside down. The text can be rotated by selecting "Rotate" from the Label Utilities menu.
ICON #3 - TITLE - When this icon is turned on, the title of the disk will appear in this field.
ICON #4 - CATALOG - When the catalog icon is turned on, the file and/or folder names which are on the disk will be listed in this field. To select the items you want listed on the label, use the label utilities.
Under label utilities you will find "Show Files" and "Show Folders". Turn these on and off by selecting them. They are turned on when there is a checkmark in front of them. You may have both "Show Files" and "Show Folders" on at the same time. When both are turned on, the folder names will appear on the label in italics, and the file names will appear in plain text.
NOTE: DA Plus automatically creates columns (up to 5) and reduces file/folder names if necessary to fit all information on the disk onto the label. (You may not edit this.)
Icon #5 - NOTE - When the note icon is turned on, a field in which you may manually type in text is displayed. This field is for global text (text which remains the same on each label). You may have unlimited styles/fonts/sizes in this text box. To change the size of the text box, use the grow boxes located in the corners of the field.
Icons #2 -#4 -Use the menu items under Text to change font/size/style/ and justification. Icon #5, Note, is the only text field in which unlimited fonts, styles, and sizes may be used.
ICON #6 - ICON - When this icon is turned on, you may place an icon on your label. Use "Get Icon" and "Edit Icon" from the Label Utilities menu to control the appearance of the icon. The same icon will appear on each label.
1. Select "Get Icon" under the Label Utilities menu.
2.. Select the folder the icon you are looking for is in.
3 Now open the folder and select the icon you want by clicking on it. The icon will now appear in your label window. (Remember, in order to get an icon you must have the Icon icon turned on.)
1. To edit an icon, select "Edit Icon" from the Label Utilities menu. A new screen will appear.
2. Edit the icon by clicking in the area provided.
3. Save your changes if you wish.
ICON #7 - PICTURE - When this icon is turned on, a picture may be pasted onto the label. Use the standard copy and paste method to do so. Once you have pasted a picture onto the label, there are 3 options under the Label Utilities menu which may help you in adjusting the picture.
SCALE PICTURE - Select "Scale Picture" from the Label Utilities menu and the picture will automatically be scaled to the size you have made the picture field. Remember, you can change the size of the field by using the grow box located in the corner of the field.
RESTORE PROPORTIONS - Select "Restore Proportions" from the Label Utilities menu and the picture will revert to its original proportions within the field provided.
USE PICTURE SIZE - Select "Use Picture Size" from the Label Utilities menu and the picture will return to its original size. If the picture is larger than the field you have on your label, only part of the picture will show. To show more of the picture, make the picture field on your label larger by using the grow box.
SHOW PRINTABLE AREA - Under the the label utilities menu select "Show Printable Area". A dotted line will appear in your label window. Make sure all your fields are inside this dotted line. Nothing showing outside of this line will print.
The buttons on the bottom of the screen - Page Setup, Preview, and Print - are used to control your printing.
PAGE SETUP - Click the "Page Setup" button before printing. If you are using a Laserwriter, choose "Options", then make sure "Larger Print Area" is checked. If you are using an Imagewriter, make sure "No Gaps Between Pages" is checked when the Imagewriter page setup screen appears.
PREVIEW - Click "Preview" and a screen with the labels you have entered will appear. How they show here is exactly how they will print. Click "Cancel" to return to the label screen.
PRINT - Click "Print" to display a sheet of labels. Click the X cursor on the label in which you want the first entry to begin printing on, then click the "Print" button. You may click the "Cancel" button at any time to return to the label template screen.
ABOUT DISK ACCESSORY- When this is selected a screen titled the "about" screen appears. This screen has four buttons: License, Catalog, Upgrades, and Help. Click on each to reveal their contents.
LICENSE- When the "License" button is clicked, the Software License Agreement is displayed. Click on the "About" button to return to the About screen.
CATALOG - When the "Catalog" button is clicked, a catalog of Vertical Solutions products is displayed. Click the "More" button to reveal other cool Vertical Solutions products. Click the "About" button to return to the About screen.
UPGRADES - When the "Upgrade" button is clicked, information on Vertical Solutions product upgrades is displayed. Click the "About" button to return to the About screen.
HELP - When the "Help" button is clicked, a display of individual menu items and functions are displayed in the window to your left. Click on the item you wish to find more information on. The information will appear in the window to the right. Click the "About" button to return to the About screen.
Anytime you wish to close the About screen and return to the desktop, simply click on "Desk Accessory" on the menu bar.
DISKS- To perform disk functions, highlight "Disks" from the menu and another menu with the functions Labeling, Initializing, Duplicating, and Erasing will appear.
LABEL - To create labels see section titled "Disk Labeling".
INITIALIZE - When "Initialized" is selected, an initializing screen appears. The message box will read "Insert disk to initialize".
1. Insert your disk. The title of the disk will appear in the title box.
2. To rename the disk, simply click the "New Title" box and type in the desired name.
3. Click the "Warn before writing over valid data" box if you want to be warned of the disk's contents before initializing it. If there is a checkmark in the box, it is turned on; if it is empty, it is turned off.
4. Click the "Add sequence to title starting at: " box to sequence your disks in numerical order. Type in the number which you want the sequencing to begin at. If there is a checkmark in the box, it is turned on; if it is empty, it is turned off.
5. Click the "Quit" button when you are finished.
DUPLICATE - When "Duplicate" is selected, a duplicate screen appears and you may make copies of your disks. As you do your duplicating, the number of disks you have copied will appear next to the message box. The title of your master disk will also appear.
1. The message box will read "Insert master disk to be copied". Insert the disk you want to make copies of. (This is referred to as the master disk). After you have inserted the master disk and its contents have been read, the message box will read "Insert destination disk".
2. Now you may insert the disks you want information copied to.
3. Click the "Verify" box if you want your information format verified. Click the "Don't verify" box if you do not.
4. Click the "Always" box if you want every disk initialized, or "As necessary" if you want only the disks which need initializing to be initialized.
5. Click the "Warn before writing over valid data" box if you want to be warned of the disk's contents before duplicating.
6. To change master disks, click the "New Master" button. The message box will read "Insert master disk to be read", then you may begin the process again.
7. Click the "Quit" button when you are finished.
ERASE - When selected the Erase screen will appear. The message box will read "Insert disk to erase".
1. Insert your disk.
2. To change the title of the disk, click the "Rename Disk" button and type in the new name.
3. Click "Automatic Erase" unless you wish to be warned of the disk's contents, then click "Ask Before Erasing".
4. Click either "Fast Erase" for quickly erasing disks or click "Security Erase" if you have proprietary information that you want completely nonrecoverable.
5. Click the "Erase" button to erase the disk. It will be highlighted once a disk is inserted.
6. Select the "Quit" button when you are finished.
FILES- If "Files" is highlighted, two options will appear: Copy and Erase.
COPY - When "Copy" is chosen from the files menu, a copy screen is displayed. "Select File to Copy" will be appear across the top.
1. Highlight the file you wish to copy by clicking on it, then click the "Open" button.
2. Click the "Save" button. This will create a copy of the file.
3. You may repeat the process or click the "Cancel" button.
ERASE - When "Erase" is chosen from the Files menu, an erase screen is displayed. It will read "Select File to Delete".
1. Select the file you wish to delete by clicking on it.
2. Click the "Open" button. A new screen will appear and will ask you if you wish to delete this file. Click "OK" if you are sure you want to delete the file; click "Cancel" if you do not wish to delete it.
3. You may repeat the process or click the "Cancel" button.
FOLDERS - To create a new folder:
1. Choose "Create" from the folders menu.
2. Type in the name you wish to title the folder.
3. Click the "Save" button. Don't forget to remember where you saved your new folder!
CLEAR - To clear an entry, highlight it in the list window ,then choose "Clear" from the edit menu.
QUIT - To quit Disk Accessory Plus, click the "Close" box in the upper left-hand corner.